Thursday, November 19, 2009

Apple © Brand-y


“Yes, folks, this baby can make large numbers of dollar bills disappear from your wallet at speeds darn near the speed of light!”

Know who this guy is? You don’t? Seriously? Well, for the six people out in the world who don’t know, the man in the picture above is none other than Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers, all around nice guy, and the free will-sucking Dark Lord of Branding Vampires. Steverino has posed in a similar position to the one above at countless media-blitz new product launches and annual general meetings for Apple shareholders, exuberantly extolling the virtues of the newest must-have Apple product. He’s been there for the launch of the iPod, iPod Nano, the Macintosh, the Macbook, the iPhone, and others. He’ll probably be there for the launch of the iPod Nano-Nano (sorry Mork) and the iPerfectSpouse as well. It isn’t Steve’s ebullient personality and deep commitment to the Apple product line that sets him apart from other pocket-lining corporate head honchos. No, the thing that sets him apart has been his ability to brand the Apple products in a fashion not seen since Coke became an all around word for a cola soft drink. Mmm. A nice fresh Coke would taste great about now. I think I’ll go get one…I’m back, and boy was that Coke refreshing! What!? I’ve got to pay the bills too, you know. Anyway, back to Steve. When was the last time you saw a movie in which an actor opened a laptop that wasn’t a Macbook? Yeah, yeah, I saw 2012 too. That must have cost Sony one pretty penny to outbid Jobs. How about the last time you heard some moron call any kind of MP3 player an “iPod?” Hell, after all those Lame PC Guy vs. Cool Mac Dude commercials, I sometimes feel like committing suicide when I switch on my PC to check my email or write a blog post. At the very least, I feel like I should try to be a little more like Justin Long or maybe get the same haircut. That way people could just assume I was a cool Mac user as long as I never let them enter my home.

Steve has certainly gotten the Apple brand out there, that’s for sure. His latest endeavour, however, might raise a few eyebrows. After a generous donation to Stanford University and a rumoured tidying up of the remaining relatives of Alfred Binet, Jobs has acquired the rights to the Stanford-Binet IQ Test. Through deep subterfuge and fabrication, in an operation that cost the lives of several undercover operatives and a half-dozen jelly doughnuts, Oh, For ****’s Sake! has managed to obtain a copy of the first page of the new IQ test, renamed, innocently enough the iQ Test. Although the questions seem vaguely familiar to anyone who has previously taken a standardized intelligence test, there are subtle differences, which are apparent to the trained eye:

iQ Test

Question 1:

If all Windows users are losers, and all losers are Windows users, how many loser Windows users are actually loser users?

A. All of them.

B. Every one of them.

C. The whole sorry goddamn lot.

D. Especially that Lame PC Guy from the commercial.

Question 2:

Rearrange the following words and letters to make a phrase:


When you have rearranged the phrase to the correct form, what does the phrase say?

A. The best darn thing I’ve heard all day.

B. A truly great idea.

C. Something wonderful.

D. The solution to blissful happiness.

Question 3:

STEVE JOBS is to GOD as GOD is to:




D. The guy who runs Apple. Yep. STEVE JOBS

Question 4:

What number logically comes next in this sequence of new Apple product price points?:

$199, $299, $399, $499, …

A. All numbers above $499 in $100 multiples.

B. Whatever the market will bear.

C. I have to have it! Who gives a shit what it costs!?

D. The sky’s the limit, and even that isn’t a given.

Question 5:

What human emotion is the equivalent of the following symbol?:

Pride parade apple

A. Joyous happiness and joy.

B. Loving loveness.

C. Joyful Loving

D. All consuming envy and greed, much like the apple in the Garden of Eden.

As you can see folks, Steve has once again done a great job of insinuating the Apple brand into another facet of our daily lives. Heck, I only ever take one bite out of an apple before I throw it away now, it just seems so aesthetically pleasing at that point that it would be a shame to keep eating it. Even though I have blown the whistle on Jobs’ latest branding project, I still hope to one day be cool enough to own an Apple product. I’ve been practicing my disaffected, hands-in-pocket poser stance and air of repugnant superiority, so I’m at least half way there.


  1. Welcome back - been a while!! I can't comment much on the techno crap in the Apple world (being old and not much in tune with all the new "i" stuff.) However, I CAN comment on the "threatening white people, douche, greedy" crowd. Today I saw a blurb on TV that HLN and their affiliates were going to be canning 2500 jobs, and, as a show of support, one of their execs was going to give up his BONUS of $4,000,000.00 - yes, that is FOUR MILLION dollars. What in the hell must his salary be?? In all fairness, I don't know if the guy is white or black or purple for that matter, but what I DO know is he is a "greedy, douche, equivalent to Steve Jobs"!! How in the hell does this happen - oh ya, because we all have to have the latest and greatest at any cost, and, they KNOW it!!

  2. The above anonymous comment is from me, your mama, like the word "old" wouldn't have tipped you off!!
    Tee hee. I couldn't get it to take it any other way.

  3. Welcome back indeed! and hi mama.

    You know I loath the whole iGay shit (no offense to the gays). But switching to MAC was the best decision I've ever made, and was worth every extra nickel I paid.

    Great weekend!

  4. @ anonymous/mummy dearest:

    Don't worry, I knew it was you. Your disdain for the filthy, overprivileged members of the C-Suite Loser Club clearly identified you as the granola-eatin', give-peace-a-chance, spoutin' Mama that done raised me. For the life of me I can't figure out how I grew into the greedy capitalist I am today. Thanks Dad!

    @ Monsieur 'Stach-away lunch special:

    There are some rumours out there in the PC world about some of the perks involved when a person buys a Mac. Is it true that Justin Long mows your lawn for a week and Starbucks gives you a Venti for the price of a Grande?

  5. My Apple iQ is OFF THE CHARTS (she says, typing on her apple keyboard, using her macbook pro, and watching the words appear on her apple monitor, while her iphone charges quietly on the desk). I HAS GENIUS! Also, a large debt on my credit card.

    Keep practicing that stance all you want, RBG, but you can't take a real bite out of the Apple until you lays the money down.

  6. Holy Shit! TSR is in the hizzouse! It's not every day one receives a visit from Bossy-approved blog royalty.

    My stance is coming along OK, I guess, but my application for a fifth refinancing on our house was denied, so the MacBook Pro is still out of reach. Plus, I haven't used up all of my Apple-Head insults yet. Apple Dumb-plings, anyone?

  7. Nobody mows my lawn....and no perks in Starchuck. But when I bought that computer, that Justin Long dude blew me. And he did it with passion, like he wanted to, not like he's doing it cause society says so.


  8. *gasp* she types on her super-cool-solid-aluminum MacBook keyboard......*gasp*

    think of me and frankelstache the next time your PC freezes, crashes, shuts off for no apparent reason, or explodes.....maybe you can borrow one of our Macs to keep posting and keep us laughing....

  9. Kirsten, your simulated shock rings false my dear. You're a member of this family so something like this sure as hell isn't going to be enough get you gasping in alarm, Sandman bed cover conversations anyone? Jesus. That one even left me gasping in shock!

    This is going to sound crazy, but believe it or not, my PC doesn't do any of that stuff. Seriously! Despite what the customer service rep at the Apple store told you. What was his name again? Oh, yeah, Justin Long. I'd ask how you did on the iQ test, but they probably give you a free crib sheet with every Apple purchase so no one makes the brand look bad.

    Actually, I better stop. You. Stach-man, TSR. Most of my readers appear to be super hip and cool Mac users, and I can ill afford to lose readers and slip back into single digits.

  10. I'm almost too ashamed to comment since I'm typing this on a tawdry Intel Pentium using Windows...but...but...I do have Mac envy. All artists are required (by law, I believe) to use a Mac so I can't take my laptop anywhere!!!

  11. Eileen,

    I thought you artist-y types reveled in your individuality! Let the Mac-a-doodles open their gleaming white chiclet-books with a self satisfied sigh like some freaky scene from a faceless android future, at least you're no follower. A bought and paid for by the Apple corporation follower, no less.

    I don't know about you, but the second somebody tells me I'd be hipper by owning something, the less I want it. Doesn't the mass marketing by its very nature cancel out any hope of true hipness?
